UK Visa refused twice, should I give up?


Accepted answer

Your visa was refused because, among other things, you failed to follow the instructions.

Your supporting documents must be in English and any document that is not in English will not be considered. Since all your supporting evidence was in French, none of it actually supported your application. The visitor visa supporting documents guide is very clear on this.

If you submit a document that is not in English or Welsh, it must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office. Each translated document must contain:

  • confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document
  • the date of the translation
  • the translator's full name and signature
  • the translator's contact details

You state that you had "strong applying documents" but, in effect, you had no documents at all. You also included irrelevant documents such as boarding passes for flights you've taken and visas for other countries. Nobody needs 50 pages of supporting documents for a four-day tourist visit. A letter from your employer saying that you work for them doesn't need to be more than a page, for example.

You have not been refused a visa because you proposed to be a tourist for four days (though I accept that a literal reading of the refusal letter suggests you have). Rather, the Entry Clearance Officer is stating the reason you applied for the visa because that determines what criteria you must satisfy. For example, if you had applied for a visa to do business in the UK, you would be expected to provide evidence of what that business is; if you had applied for a visa to make a study visit, you'd need to give evidence of your programme of study.

See also the answers at UK visa refusal on V 4.2 a + c (and sometimes 'e'), which explain what you need to do beyond providing translations.

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