Canadians U.S. Roadtrips using parent’s car. What do we need to prepare?


There are multiple levels of learner's permit for New Brunswick, but I'll assume the least restrictive version, the Class 7.

This class stipulates that you cannot have more than 3 passengers:

  • Cannot have more than three passengers in their vehicle and no more than one passenger in the front seat.

You also need someone with a Class 5 license and also other conditions:

  • Must be accompanied by only one passenger who has a Class 5 or better licence, at least three years of driving experience and who is seated in the front passenger seat.

Regarding letting one of your friends drive, their name most likely will need to be registered to the insurance. Insurances will absolutely not cover your friends automatically. Some do allow coverage during temporary loans of vehicles, but the conditions of such are per insurer and non-standardized, so your mom will need to call them to figure out if this option is available.

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