How much leeway do card companies give on trip cancellation/interruption coverage rules?


For clarity, it's not a matter of 'generosity'. It's whether or not the terms of the coverage apply.

Flights to South Florida airports may stop for 24 hours, maybe not. Irma will not be Cat 5 when it reaches South Florida on Sunday and proximity really matters.

An Evacuation Order is highly likely, like 99.8% for the Florida Keys so you may be be able to claim that as your ultimate destination.

Finally, there is also a high probability that your airline will suspend service and offer refunds making the card coverage moot.


From experience, they are not generous but quite literal. They will not be more generous because its a weekend trip, that is not in the agreement. They strictly follow the agreement in its precise wording.

An insurance company works be collecting fees. In your case, they get them from your credit-card company and when you file a claim, the job of the person who evaluates it is to figure out what rules apply. Should your case fit the coverage exactly, they will compensate you. Otherwise, the insurance company is there to keep as much of the collected fees as possible, so they have no incentive to be more generous or lenient. This is why things are spelled so precisely and with some many clauses.

Me too, I use credit card for their insurance rather than purchasing separately and I can say that I had about a 50% success rate getting coverage. The agreement is actually quite long and you can get it from your credit-card company but it includes much more than the description on the bank website. Baggage delay insurance on the bank website corresponds to many paragraphs explaining what is considered a baggage delay and under what circumstances.

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