12 weeks in America - What questions should I prepare for?


Almost certainly, you are, as suggested in a comment, overthinking this. It will probably go just as smoothly as your prior visit.

Very, very rarely, I've had immigration officers ask for documents confirming what I've told them.

For example, I have been a US permanent resident since 1978. Usually, I just show my UK passport and US green card when returning home from international travel. One time out of dozens, the officer apparently did not believe I had really lived in the USA for decades, perhaps because I do not have enough of an American accent. He asked some questions about my life in the USA. My answers indicated I live in California and own a house and a car there. He then wanted to see my California driver's license. I did have it, but it was in a money belt under my clothing because I did not expect to need it until the next day.

If you want to be really prepared, put some supporting documents in your carry-on. For your situation, the most useful documents might be an invitation letter from your friend's parents, and acceptance paperwork from your college.

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