Strep in Siem Reap, Cambodia


Accepted answer

I'm pretty sure you don't have to see a doctor to get penicillin in Cambodia, I got some antibiotics from a nurse on Koh Rong. And pharmacy staff will definitely understand "penicillin".

Still, it might be a good idea to see a doctor anyway instead of self-diagnosing and self-medicating.

Best ask your hotel/hostel's staff, they should know a doctor who speaks English.


You should go to U-care pharmacy, they will have a doctor to consult your disease before you can purchase the medicine. You can find the U-care pharmacy of the East corner of Pub Street or another place along of Sivutha Street.


You should wait a couple days and if it doesn't heal by itself take a course of oral antibiotics penicillin or amoxicillin, any pharmacy can sell you these for 1-2 dollars. Be sure to complete the entire recommended course (google) even if you feel better, as multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria are a huge problem in Cambodia. I had a similar issue and did not complete the full course, and ending up bringing back multiple resistant bacteria to Europe, so this is really serious.

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