Is there an inflatable pillow that can be inflated by hand : a piston, hand pump or a rotating handle?


Accepted answer

There are self-inflating pillows, which work in the same manner as self-inflating sleeping mats, no blowing required, just open the valve and air is drawn into the internal foam structure. To deflate they need rolling tightly with the valve open and then close the valve to keep the pillow compressed.

The one's I've seen are quite lightweight but they are definitely bulkier than ones you have to blow into.


Yes there is

  • google for "self-inflating pillow"
  • google for "foot pump" or "inflator" etc.
  • google for "bicycle pump" and "pump adapter"

Substitute your favourite search enging for google.


I have never seen pillows that have a build in pump but I have seen many pumps that can be used for pillows, inflatable balls, small airbeds and so on.
Most of them are foot operated but the smaller ones can mostly be hand operated as well.

And besides dedicated pumps, many small bike pumps can be used for pillows as well, as long as you have the right attachment or adapter.
set of adapters
Like the red one in this picture (Picture taken from a shop catalog.)

Shops that are likely to sell pumps:
Out-of-doors sports shops.
Camping equipment shops.
Toy shops near bodies of water, where they sell blow up balls and use on the water airbeds.
Bike shops and shops selling bikes and parts will most likely have a wide range of bike pumps, often with the needed attachment as part of the set or separate. Just a bike pump will not do, as you can not connect it.

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