How to deal with pre-travel insomnia?


Accepted answer

I get anxious the night before I travel. Plain fear of what can go wrong. I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried my bag wouldn't fit in the compartments of this airline I've never flown with before. I worried about not having internet abroad and having to meet up with someone. Travel can be very stress inducing.

Well, what works for me is eliminating as many uncertainties as possible. Fly on an airline I know. Invest in a mobile contract that works abroad. Print out the map before I leave. Make sure I am in control. The more of these uncertainties I solve, the better I sleep at night.

Alternatively, you can ask a doctor for advice. Sleeping pills may be an option. But do discuss this with your doctor!


Same way as with any other insomnia. Get a sleeping pill prescription from your medical doctor (there are many different kinds, which work better on different people). You can also use it in Bangkok to help with your jet lag.

Also if you do lots of travel preparations, such as research and booking, in the evenings, don't do this. Your brain keeps working full time checking whether you forgot to book/check/confirm something. Do all preparations in the morning; wake up an hour early if needed.


Stilnox is an option. It's a pretty active sleeping pill. But be careful about dosage and dependency. Sometimes people take nyquil instead.

I try to be really disciplined about work hours vs. non-work hours especially when there's a trip where I will be working remote for the duration of the trip.

Try taking a day off before you fly so that you can run errands, do any research for the trip, but most of all just relax. Bangkok is a fun place with tons to do. You can show up and still have a great time without needing to plan anything. So don't worry too much about the trip. It's a really easy place to meet people too.

Hope this helps. Have a good time.

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