Germany family visit visa refusal and new tourist visa application


(Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and not an immigration expert. The following answer is based on common sense and the information provided by the asker of the question).

Do not reapply under a different visa category after a rejection if the reason for the planed trip has not changed and the original category was the correct one.

Regardless of whether reapplying is legally possible, it casts serious doubt on your credibility as an applicant, which makes you unlikely to get a visa.

It also would not be useful in your particular case, for the following reasons.

  1. From the rejection letter, you can see that the embassy did not quite understand why you wanted to do this trip. This is probably a matter of miscommunication, which you want address. While it could be the fault of the embassy, the discussion in the comments indicates that you are inexperienced in formal communication (e.g., you asked "why students cannot call for their spouse on family visits" even no information was ever given that indicates this). For this reason, you may want to seek help in compiling a fresh visa application. Perfect would be an immigration lawyer, which is not cheap, though. As a second best option, get a friend with experience in successfully applying for visa to check your documents (and story) for understandability and completeness.

  2. You have been given the comment that you need to provide a marriage certificate. So when you re-apply, provide it. Your question indicates that you did not perceive this as a show-stopper as you did not comment on this, but it really is.

  3. The additional reason "your intention to leave the territory of the member states before the expiry of the visa could not be ascertained." was given. It is highly unlikely that they would give you a tourist data if they weren't happy with this earlier. This is why another user gave a link to this question in the comments, which explains what this means and how it can be addressed. The question is actually about two visa rejection cases, whereas the second one is exactly the one that you got. Without taking care of this reason for visa rejection as well, you will not get a visa, so read that thread carefully. If you applied for a tourist visa now, it is likely to be rejected for the very same reason (without additional documentation or a change of your circumstances).

So your best bet is to address the points for rejection and try again (or decide not to try). Even better would be to get professional help, though.

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