Traveling to UK with expiring Italian residence permit (waiting for renewal)
So there are four possible 'issues' points:
leaving Italy. As you've said, you're allowed to leave and enter Italy while renewal is proceeding. So that's fine. And they might ask for a flight out of the UK, to prove you intend on leaving the UK.
entering the UK. As long as you have evidence that you're leaving again, that should be fine.
leaving the UK. The airline may have to ensure you're legally allowed to enter Italy. As an American, you could enter as a tourist or on your currently valid permit (until the end of the 24th). Of course, if your flight is delayed/cancelled, this might be a problem...consider that. They may ask about the expiring permit, but as you'll have the paperwork/proof of the renewal with you (right?), you'll be able to assure them of the legality.
arriving in Italy once more. Provided your permit is still valid or has been renewed, you'll be fine. Failing that, you may have to enter as a tourist, but that could be tricky given your recent history there on a permit.