A refund that I think my agent wants to cheat me on


It happened for me too I had purchased round trip Manila to Colombo in Singapore air line through travel agent cost me 191000LKR, after I cancelled the return Ticket and request to refund but the travel agent refunded me only 47000LKR and they not give me any proof that shows airline refunded only that amount,I have inquired from the airline how much was my refund instead they replied me to get the break down from the travel agent the airline doesn’t care about the passenger who paid the money they support the travel agent...It doesn’t matter even they had paid me less if it’s the policy of the airline but should given me a proof showing how the refund was calculated


Without the full details it's impossible to say for sure, but it's very feasible that this refund was correct.

Firstly you need to take into account the fact there was almost certainly a change/cancellation fee. Most airfares (even refundable ones) have them, although the amount can vary dramatically depending on any number of factors including the airline, the country the ticket was bought in, and the actual fare purchased.

Next, you need to take into account the differences between return and one-way fares. I'd suggest going and reading this answer first then coming back here - One-way versus return airfare tickets

OK, back?

When you cancel a ticket half-way through the trip like you did, it will normally trigger a "re-pricing" of the entire ticket - including the flight you've already flown.

In your case, both your outbound and return legs would have originally been "return" based fares, which are normally cheaper than one-way fares. When you canceled the return, the ticket would have been repriced, but now it's just a one-way ticket, so the price for the leg you've already flown would have gone up to the one-way fare.

To use a simple example, say your original ticket was $200, made of up two "return" legs that were $100 each. But a one-way fare on the same route might be $150. And a change fee of $30.

If you cancel part-way through the journey, then it becomes a one-way ticket and they will reprice the outbound trip to be $150. Add in the $30 change fee, and you're at $180. You've already paid $200, so you'd get a refund of $20.

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