How long does it take for a SIM card to activate (Europe)?


Accepted answer

If there is still a sim provider that takes days to activate a sim card, just go to the next provider. These days most sims work right out of the box.

You should wonder however if you really need a sim. There are definitely still packages worth considering, but bear in mind that recently new eu legislation has dropped the roaming fee dramatically, starting July 2013. The roaming fees are sometime cheaper then a local sim card.

Check the required roaming fees and compare them with the local providers.


Aldi takes longer than 36 hours. I'm still waiting. Much easier to buy a sim in UK, France, and Iceland. Germany requires registration using a local address. I hate this kind of red tape. Notice how many of the mobile operators are based in several countries yet you have to either pay for roaming (which is still a rip off) or get a new sim locally. These companies certainly are good at making money!


It depends on how the provider works. Sometimes resellers like Aldi offering sim-cards are simply resellers of a larger telco offering and as such, requests for new activations can sometimes take longer than others due to prioritisation of the assignment of the phone number.

Once upon a time it could take upwards of two days to activate a sim card, in most cases nowadays, it takes at most an hour (usually instantly), and in worse case situations it can take about 12 hours (although it is rare it would take this long in 2014).


In Poland (bordering Germany from east) activating a sim card doesn't take any time. You just insert it into your phone and first call made by you activates a sim card instantly. We have 4 big operators and I've used 3 of them: Plus, Play and Orange, but as far as I know also T-Mobile works in this way.


The activation of new SIM cards by Vodafone Germany and Italy are both instant. Same for Sunrise in Switzerland. I suspect immediate activation is standard for most networks today.

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