Child travel consent for Lima, Peru


If your child leaves after 45 days they shouldn't need an authorization, it's on that page you reference.

No se requiere una autorización de viaje:

a) cuando el niño tiene doble nacionalidad (por ejemplo, peruano y estadounidense) y viaja con el pasaporte/documento de viaje otorgado por las autoridades del país de su otra nacionalidad, salvo que su estadía en el Perú sobrepase los noventa (90) días; y

b) cuando el menor sea residente y tenga los documentos que lo comprueben, salvo que su estadía en el Perú sobrepase los noventa (90) días, en cuyo caso requerirá autorización de viaje para salir del Perú (niños peruanos o extranjeros).

A travel authorization is not required:

a) when the child has dual nationality (for example, Peruvian and US) and is traveling with the passport/document granted by the authorities of the country of his other nationality, except if the stay in Peru exceeds 90 days and

b) when the minor is a resident and has documents to prove it, except if the stay in Peru exceeds 90 days, in which case he/she will require an authorization to leave Peru.

The London consulate says the same thing:

Los menores peruanos y extranjeros que vivan o hubiesen permanecido en el Perú más de tres (03) meses, deberán contar con la autorización de viaje de ambos padres al momento de salir de nuestro país. Si no vive en el Perú y ha permanecido menos de tres (03) meses en nuestro país NO necesitan contar con la autorización de sus padres para salir.

Peruvian and foreign minors who live or have stayed more than 3 months in Peru have to have a travel authorization from both parents at the time of leaving the country. If they don't live in Peru or have stayed less than 3 months in the country, they are NOT required to have a parental authorization to leave.

The Toronto consulate seems to suggest it's required in all cases, obviously the best way to be completely safe is to have it anyway. Just be aware it's more involved than simply filling in a form, so do it as soon as possible. They need a valid DNI (national identity document), notarized birth certificates and identity forms, an itinerary and someone needs to go in person to the consulate for this.

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