Can I know in advance if I need to reserve a spot on BC Ferries?


Accepted answer

BC Ferries posts a Busy Days Forecast for major routes based on historical data. The information is very limited, though.

For example, for Tsawwassen (mainland) β†’ Swartz Bay (Victoria), expected busy departures over the next two weeks are:

  • Thursday 2015-07-30: 11am to 8pm
  • Friday 2015-07-31: 11am to 9pm
  • Saturday 2015-08-01: 9am to 3pm
  • Sunday 2015-08-02: not too busy
  • Monday 2015-08-03 (BC Day holiday): noon to 6pm
  • Tuesday 2015-08-04: 10am to 6pm

Whether that means you should make a reservation or not depends on your own risk tolerance.


It depends on how willing you are to wait. Over the weekend, particularly a Friday night outbound and a Sunday return journey you will likely miss a ferry or two. On a long weekend during the summer, you could be waiting a long time.

My two cents worth, 15 bucks is worth the piece of mind.

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