In case of disruptions, do UK train tickets need to be explicitly endorsed when used the day after?


Accepted answer

If it's announced (which is usually only the case during wide-reaching, extreme disruption) that tickets will be accepted the following day, then you will not need an endors*m*nt. After all, they often want to discourage people from travelling at all on the affected days, so requiring you to go to the station and get an endors*m*nt would defeat the whole purpose!

In this case, no, the endors*m*nt shouldn't be necessary; but many members of staff will give you it anyway to give you peace of mind and avoid any potential arguments with staff who might not have heard about the eas*m*nt.

If no such blanket eas*m*nt is announced by your train operator, though, I would always recommend getting an endors*m*nt (if they'll give you one!).

Bear in mind as well that if your journey requires travelling on other operators' trains, they will also need to have announced an eas*m*nt, unless your ticket is valid on other days. This is another possible reason for you getting an endors*m*nt.

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