Late evening public transport in Nice


To get from the train station to the hotel, the most direct way is actually to walk 1.2 km (15 min). If you do want to take the bus, you will have to walk to Rue de MarΓ©chal Joffre (10 min, 750m) and take the N5 bus. From there, you can walk 3 min (280m) to Hotel Wilson. (source)

To get from Hotel Wilson to NCE, you can walk 300m to Station J.C. Bermond and take bus 98, dropping you off at NCE at about 20:26. (source)

To give you other options if you don't want to walk, an uberX would cost 6-7 EUR from the train station to the hotel, and an uberX from the hotel to the airport is 17-23 EUR.


The best way to get from Gare de Nice Ville to your hotel is to take the tram. Since it's late at night, you probably don't want to walk the whole way. But, you will probably have to wait at a tram stop.

As you exit the train station, turn left and a short walk east is the "Gare Thiers" tram stop. The tram runs until just after midnight (at about 20-30 minute intervals at that time of night). Take the tram southbound for two stops to MassΓ©na. Then, another short walk east on Rue de l'HΓ΄tel des Poste will take you to your hotel.

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