What age were these Britons in A.D. 43?


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As Semaphore noted in his comment, "the information simply isn't there for a lot of cases" but here are some estimates or 'best guesses' based on what little I have been able to find.

Ages in 43 AD

  • Boudica was at least in her late teens in 43 AD but Oldcat's estimate of late 20s to mid 30s seems likely. Before she rebelled in 60/61 AD, her daughters were raped; unless the Romans raped young children, the children must have been not less than about 14 or 15 years old at that time. If this assumption is correct, and we assume Boudica's eldest was born when she was around 18, the Queen must have been at least 32 years old in 60 AD. geni.com, though, gives her date of birth as circa. 30 AD (no source for this), making her only about 13 in 43 AD - this seems unlikely though.
  • Prasutagos, Boudica's husband, was probably at least 43 years old in 43 AD. Wikipedia, citing Tacitus, says he "lived a long and prosperous life" so he was probably at least 60 years old when he died around 60 AD. geni.com gives his date of birth as circa. 10 AD (again, no source), making him about 33 years old in 43 AD.
  • Cartimandua reigned from about 43 AD. It seems unlikely that a child would have had enough influence to have been able to form "a large tribal agglomeration that became loyal to Rome" so she must have been at least 20 in 43 AD. geni.com (again unsourced) says she was born circa. 10 AD, making her 33 years old in 43 AD - this seems reasonable given that she "appears to have been widely influential in early Roman Britain."
  • Verica became King in about 15 AD, succeeding his elder brother Eppillus who seems to have become King as early as 20 BC. If Eppilus ruled for around 35 years, his younger brother Verica must have been an old man in 43 AD, even if there was a huge age difference between the two. Verica, who was on friendly terms with Rome, was ousted as king sometime after 40 BC. As there is no evidence that the Romans reinstated him after the invasion, Verica may well have died by 43 AD.

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