What is the difference between NKVD and OGPU (USSR)


Accepted answer

NKVD means Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennih Del, that is People's Comissariat of Internal Affairs. It was just a general internal affairs department. Although it included law enforcement agencies, it on the other hand included firefighters and civil registry services too.

Now GPU/OGPU was the secret police which sometimes was a part of NKVD, and sometimes was not. It is GPU which later became known as KGB.

There is a timeline for your convenience.


It is completely wrong if your source claims that NKVD was a "secret police", whatever it could mean. Sometimes I even spotted such claims in Wikipedia.

NKVD included normal police, traffic control, firefighters, border guards, passport issuing agency and prisons.


The OGPU succeeded the GPU as the state security force which in turn became the NKVD which in turn became the KGB. Therefore, the NKVD was secret police, and they are all the same thing just during different time periods. Reference: Bolshevik and Stalinist Russia 1918-56 (third edition) by Michael Lynch.

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