What is the difference between an extensive revolution and an intensive revolution?


Those are now unused terms, they were partially used during the American Independence but here's what they mean:

An extensive revolution is one in which events happen in a similar way in small areas as part of a larger area. What that means is that is you split that land into smaller sections you will have a directly proportional number of people revolting. Example: If you have let's say 1 million people revolting on a 1 million Km^2, in a smaller area of 100 000 Km^2 you will have about 100 000 people revolting. So this involves maintaining proportionality. Revolutions in some East Europe countries in the 90s are an example, when people went out in the street into many/most large cities of each country.

An intensive revolution means that the events happening are not dependent on the size of the territory or the amount of participants. A coup d'etat would fit such definition since in this case a small group of powerful individuals can overthrow an existing government and it does not matter how big the country is or how many others in various areas support this. This does not involve any proportionality.

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