What was the foreign policy of 1791 France?


Accepted answer

As far as I know, the main issues in French foreign policy of the period were:

  • Friendship with USA, with which France shared common ideological ground. In particular, the United States Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution and United States Bill of Rights much influenced the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the French Constituion of 1791
  • Response to the Declaration of Pillnitz by the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and King of Prussia Frederick William II. The declaration threatened revolutionary France with vague reprecussions if King Louis XVI was harmed. This caused strong anti-Austrian sentiment in France eventually leading to the War of the First Coaltion in 1792. The Legislative Assembly voted for war on April 20 (before the Jacobin coup of August 10).


The foreign policy of France in 1791-2 was best exemplified by their new National Anthem, the Marseillaise. Specifically, 1) Repel invaders, particularly the Austrians of house arrested and soon-to-be-deposed Queen Marie Antoinette, and 2) safeguard the "revolution" by spreading it to other countries.


As far as I remember, mostly it was to survive against the onslaught of the rest of Europe. Most of the initial stage of the revolution was seen as an internal matter to France but some of the propaganda of the revolution was spread abroad. All the crowned heads of Europe were (rightly) worried about the events in France. So, spreading the revolution was seen as a way to make them worry about their own countries instead of attacking France. There was always a risk of Austria intervention (because of the Queen) which eventually lead to war.

George Lefebvre's The French Revolution, chapter 11 The Constituent Assembly and Europe has a full analysis of foreign relations at the time. This reference section contains may good sources.

Lafayette: Hero of the American Revolution by Gonzague Saint Bris has a large section on his role during that time and contains more about the relationship between France and the USA.

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