Who came up with the name "Peloponnesian War"?


I am unsure if this is the first mention of Thucydides' 'history of the Peloponnesian war' but this is Thomas Hobbes' first sentence, thirteenth paragraph of the section titled 'On the life and history of Thucydides' from "History of the Peloponnesian War, Thomas Hobbes, Ed." It comes from the 1843 translation of his 1628 version.

    To this I say, that it was the duty of him that had undertaken to write
    the history of the Peloponnesian war, to begin his narration no further
    off than at the causes of the same, whether the Grecians were then
    in good or in evil estate.

Here is the link.


According to http://www.historyofinformation.com/, the first Latin translation was commissioned by Pope Nicholas V and completed in 1452 by Lorenzo Valla. The image below is from the first page of the first book. My Latin is below basic, but the first line seems interesting, a specific reference to 'Peloponnesian War'. enter image description here

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