How Much Did World War Two Cost Financially?


This is a quora-worthy question: the way it is asked, no direct answer will make the reader any wiser. E.g., the US WW2 cost was $296B (current), which is FY2011$4,104B or FY2008$4,114B (apparently, we experienced deflation in 2008-2011 - I did not notice).

WW2 was a major historical event, and ascribing it a price tag (monty python) makes about as much sense as saying something like "19th century cost was $X". Moreover, from the historical perspective, WW2 is inseparable from WW1 - we need to attach a price tag to 35 years of human history.

WW2 involved a lot of unproductive expense - weapons, ammo, &c. It involved a lot of destruction; Germany, European Russia, Japan were pretty much devastated. ~70M people died (give or take 10-20% - we will probably never know how many people in China and Russia died).

During the war and its aftermath (you don't think that in 1945 everyone got back home to live in peace, do you?) millions of people were displaced.

At the same time WW2 spurred a lot of technological progress (nukes, radars, rockets, jets), and we are both reaping benefits and paying costs of those changes even now.

An unprecedented Eastern migration of Soviet industry changed the face of Siberia.

Shipbuilding was revolutionized.

Role of women all over the world dramatically expanded.

Higher education became more accessible.

Now, put $$$ cost/benefit on this...

PS. A more limited question may actually make sense.

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