Is Samuel Igra's "Germany's National Vice" reliable in any way?


Lack of proof, hasty generalization

At the core of Igra's book is the question: "What caused the German militarism ?", one of the greatest evils in modern world (especially for Igra, him being a Jew). His answer, fully explained in last chapter of the book, is h*m*sexualism - political, and even religious movement, satanic in nature, and devastating for human kind. According to Igra, h*m*sexualism advocates reduction and even destruction of the family, considers women in general as inferior (good only for procreation) and advocates male bonding to the point of h*m*sexuality as something heroic, reserved for elite. Igra alleges that National-Socialism was based on works of two obscure philosophers (Hans Blüher and Otto Weininger, later being Jew himself) prominent for their contempt towards women, and advocating that true love could be directed only towards another male.

Igra starts his book with brief description of Teutonic Knights, which he describes as first proponents of h*m*sexualism among Germans. He explains that by their monastic vow to celibacy, which made them live among other males, made them prone to sexual deviations like h*m*sexuality and drove them to sadism and destruction. As a proof for later he cites Prussian Crusade which acquired them lands of Prussia, and made basis for Prussian nobility that latter created and dominated German Reich (before WW1). Igra alleges that even later Prussians, although no longer required to be celibate, also engaged in h*m*sexualism, and cites example of Frederick the Great - supposedly h*m*sexual, and later role model for Hitler.

Central part of the book revolves around Eulenburg affair. This was a huge h*m*sexual and political scandal in German Reich. Several influential nobles close to German Emperor Wilhelm II were outed as h*m*sexual by the press, most prominent among them Wilhelm's close friend Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg. Discovery was made by Jewish journalist Maximilian Harden, which Igra uses as a proof that only Jews (due to their supposed moral superiority) could be brave enough to fight evil of h*m*sexualism. He also states this made Jews enemies of h*m*sexual circles in Berlin, which later (in time of Hitler) led to their persecution and extermination.

Anyway, Igra alleges (without much proof) that Kaiser Wilhelm must have been h*m*sexual himself, and that this affair (which largely died down by 1909) was main cause of WW1 in 1914. Supposedly, main cause for war was not economic situation or desire for more territories. Wilhelm simply wanted to shield himself and his entourage from scrutiny of ordinary German folk who would be appealed by perversions and decadence of the court, and he did that by diverting attention to war.

Then Igra goes into realm of imagination: At the time of affair Hitler was a pauper in Vienna. Since Hitler preferred German Reich to his native Austria-Hungary, Igra alleges that Viennese Jewish press coverage of said affair (which made Reich look bad and decadent) made him hate Jews. Sensing that this is not enough motivation, Igra alleges that in years before the war Hitler worked as male (h*m*sexual) prostitute in Vienna, and was even acquainted with Eulenburg (which is practically impossible, since Eulenburg was no longer ambassador in Vienna when Hitler arrived there) . Homosexuality being Hitler's big secret but also his big advantage since it opened him doors in upper circles, and made him acquainted with Ernst Röhm, but also with Krupp family, since Friedrich Alfred Krupp was supposedly h*m*sexual (although he died in 1902).

According to Igra, Night of the long knives in 1934 was attempt by Hitler to hide his h*m*sexual past, since von Hindenburg discovered Röhm's h*m*sexual tendencies and forced Hitler to remove him. In order to silence Röhm, he had him killed with added benefit of appearing anti-h*m*sexual. Igra further alleges that Hitler (similar to Wilhelm) also started war in 1939 to divert attention from this affair in 1934. Finally, many in Hitler entourage were also h*m*sexual, Igra mentions Reinhard Heydrich, Baldur von Schirach and Emil Maurice, with no proof. Third Reich laws against h*m*sexuals and general punitive practice were never mentioned in the book.

Overall, whole book is a good example of hasty generalization, where with few examples author comes to wild and faulty conclusions, which are especially dangerous in political matters and could lead to death and devastation. It must be said that Igra's book in certain parts looks like mirror image of Hitler´s Mein Kampf, especially Chapters 2 and 3. In those chapters declares Jews as purveyors of obscenity, immorality, h*m*sexualism and other perversions, based on few examples of indecent Jews in Vienna, while contrary to Igra, Germans are those naturally inclined to goodness and decency. This is actually sad, considering that two wrongs do not make one right, just more suffering in the world.

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