In the late 1800s how did American Indians portray resiliency in the in the midst of oppression?


Accepted answer
  • Note that the subject line of your posting and the main text differ. How do you know that this is about First Nations?
  • The Native Americans showed resilience by not dying in the face of persecution and deprivation. So how did they do that?
    • Your time period might include events like Little Big Horn (1876). Was fighting back a sign of resilience or did it only lead to events like Wounded Knee (1890)?
    • When did they start to go to reservations? What did they gain by doing so? Was that a good move at the time? What about those who did not go?
    • When could and did they leave the reservations again? What did that do to group cohesion? Was that a good move at the time? What about those who did not leave?

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