Why hasn't the Centralia fire been starved to death?


What can be said historically is that some attempts at smothering the fire were made. About 6 months after the fire began, a contractor attempted to "flush" the fire along its expansion route by mixing crushed rock with water, which indeed would have the effect of preventing oxygen to chemically combine with the coal (aka: "burn") in that area. This was still fairly early on, involved 10,000 cubic yards of material, and turned out to not be enough.

About 9 months later another project tried surrounding the area of the fire with incombustible material, then another flush attempt, and then yet another "total and concerted" flushing attempt at roughly twice the expense of the first. They all failed.

At this point the fire appears to be burning over an 8-mile stretch, so any attempt to duplicate the smothering effort that was made early on would likely have to be far more invasive, and involve orders of magnitude more smothering material.

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