How to find out if this sword is real or just a souvenir?


More images would be useful to be sure, but to me this part of the guard awfully looks like the sword was made using die casting (and it was poorly done so, at that):

Not a dick pic

Best I can recollect this type of stuff wasn't even possible until the late 19th century when foundries could achieve heat strong enough that you could actually melt steel.

(Another tell in my mind is the precision of the blade decoration. Even if we leave aside the rust issue raised in the question's comments (i.e. it wouldn't be functional as a blade) on the basis that it could be ceremonial blade, it still leaves the issue of it being way too precise for forged steel to my taste. But don't take my word for it here, it's just a hunch.)


This is too long for a comment so I made it an answer.

The arms on the sword are rather familiar looking.

Here is a link to an image of the coat of arms of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.

It has a similar design to the one on the sword, a bend going between two heads and mouths, and two other charges.

In this case the heads are identified as dragons, and the charges are the Pillars of Hercules.

The bend between two dragon's mouths is described as The Royal Band of Castile.

So it appears that the coat of arms, genuine or fictional, on the sword was inspired by the Royal Band of Castile.

I hope this may help you learn the nature of the sword.

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