What is the origin of "With an iron fist, we will drive humanity to happiness?"


Accepted answer

The original Russian version is Железной рукой загоним человечество к счастью. The images Google found:

iron fist 1 iron fist 2 iron fist 3

all show fragments of the same photograph which absolutely could NOT have been made in Solovki.

The reason is that the orthography of the text is the old (pre-revolutionary) one. By 1923 when the prison camp was created, the new orthography was quite thoroughly entrenched; moreover, the old one was strongly associated with the counter-revolutionaries (the Whites rejected the reform, despite it having been prepared before the bolshevik takeover) and thus it was unthinkable that it would be used in such a communist cornerstone as a prison camp.

In fact, this slogan is from the Civil War times (when both the old and new orthography were used), and could have been done by either Bolshevik or Socialist-Revolutionary activists.

PS. This does not mean that Solovki did not have such a slogan. What I am saying is that the slogan did not originate there.

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