What alternatives to working was proposed in Paris during May, 1968?


Accepted answer

The anti-work current in libertarian socialism is based on a conception of work as human activity controlled by others. Basically, the marxist analysis of wage slavery is that the wage slave sells the right to control their labour power to a boss, and during that period is alienated from their own capacities by this social relationship. Management has the right to dictate when and how workers conduct themselves.

In contrast, libertarian socialists with an anti-work perspective like the Situationalists view socialist or communist relations between people who are now workers as being reconstructed in radical collective and individual freedom to choose how people use their lives. Namely, that the democratised process of doing things together, which you can enter or exit without the threat of someone else starving you to death, is a radically different way of being than what we know as work.

This is in contrast to the pro-work Stalinist PCF's view of social transformation, which would maintain work as we know it and the factory hierarchy, but merely change the purpose of production from the benefit of the bosses to the benefit of [what the PCF viewed as the interests of] the working class in general. We work for wages under foremen and bosses for 9 hours making volkswagons instead of limousines. In contrast, the Situationalists wanted the abolition of foreman, bosses, compulsory hours, and top down direction of production.

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