Where can I find high-resolution images of these Sumerian tablets


Accepted answer

A version of the Kesh Temple Hymn, from the collection of the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland, has been included in the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). The CDLI reference number is P272905 and the full details are on the archival page (click on the image on that page for a high-resolution (4050 x 4150 pixel) version).

Kesh Temple Hymn

Further cuneiform sources for the Kesh Temple Hymn can be found on the relevant bibliography page on the The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL) site.

Similarly, lists of cuneiform sources can be found on the appropriate ETCSL pages for the Sumerian Temple Hymns (I'm assuming this is what you meant by 'Enheduanna Hymns') and The debate between Bird and Fish.

Please be aware that many of these tables are fragmentary, and not especially photogenic. As such, you may not find good, high-resolution images online.

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