Distinction between Created Son and Begotten Son for Jehovah's Witnesses


Accepted answer

Yes, Jehovah’s Witnesses do distinguish between Jesus’ unique one of a kind preeminent status and all other sons of God both heavenly and earthly.

The Greek word mo·no·ge·nesʹ is defined by lexicographers as “single of its kind, only,” or “the only member of a kin or kind.” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 1889, p. 417; Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1968, p. 1144)

Only begotten Son of God only applies to the one of a kind, unique, Jesus Christ, the only entity created with no agency or instrumentality by Jehovah alone.

All other created Sons of God, angelic and human, are Jehovah’s creation made through this unique,one of a kind, only begotten son of the eternally existing creator Jehovah.

This puts Jesus in a class by himself. That fits very well with the description (monongenes)

The created “Sons of God” both angelic and human share a commonality, namely they came into existence through the only begotten Jesus. They thus are not one of a kind, or unique (monongenes).

Your contention that Jesus cannot be both created (ktiʹzo) and begotten (monongenes) is not accurate in our exegesis since the distinction is made between the one and only (monongenes) entity brought into existence (kti’zo) solely by the Eternally existing Creator Jehovah and the entirety of all other beings created by Jehovah through Jesus and for Jesus. Col 1:16

Now on the claim that monongenes also incorporates the idea of same substance or same nature I am not familiar with that concept. I am aware that the Greek word h*m*ousia came onto the scene at the behest of Constantine during his efforts to unify his Christian subjects. It is not a biblical Greek term but has philosophical Greek roots.

Jehovah’s Witnesses obviously disagree with the idea that Jesus is eternal like his father. That is out of sync with a claim of same nature or substance I think. He is not Almighty God as is his Father. He is not the Creator Jehovah is.

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