The stone in front of our Lord's Tomb


Matthew 28:2 uses the word απεκυλισεν (apekulisen, rolls away).
Mark 16:4 uses the word αποκεκυλισται (apokekulistai, has been rolled away).
Luke 24:2 uses the word αποκεκυλισμενον (apokekulismenon, having been rolled away).
John 20:1 uses the word ηρμενον (ermenon, having been lifted/taken away).

No mention of flying, and the word "lifted" only indicates that the stone was taken from one place and put in another.

Reference: Greek Interlinear Bible


An Angel moved it. Matthew 28:2 states:

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.

Footnote: the other Gospels (Mark, Luke and John) only mention that the stone was moved, but not by whom.

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