Is numbers.10:7 a picture of how the church shall be spared from "sound of alarm" or great tribulation?


Accepted answer

God makes it pretty clear in verse 2 what the trumpet commands are for:

Numbers 10:1-2 ESV The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, β€œMake two silver trumpets. Of hammered work you shall make them, and you shall use them for summoning the congregation and for breaking camp."

Now, you could say that this passage (or any passage) has some sort of hidden meaning, like foreshadowing the end times, and who could really tell you that you're wrong? As long as you're not outright contradicting other scriptures then the hidden meaning you suggest may very well exist, however the burden of proof is on you to prove that hidden meaning exists if you want to impose this interpretation on anyone but yourself. That's known as allegorizing the bible and it can get pretty subjective and dodgy, especially when people create doctrine out of hidden meanings that can't necessarily be proven right or wrong.

But we can look at this passage in this light:

  • There's nowhere else in scripture that refers to Numbers 10 as a foreshadowed event, whether implicitly or explicitly.
  • There's no other event in scripture that truly mimics the command God is suggesting. There's trumpets in the last days, but that's the only relation and it's a fairly loose one.

So to answer your question "Is this biblical interpretation or too far reaching conclusion?", I would go with too far reaching conclusion as there's nothing in the rest of scriptures that indicates this is a foreshadowing.

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