Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's Prophecy on the Two Popes


Accepted answer

It comes from her 13 May 1820 prophecy, The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich vol. 2 pp. 227ff.

Excerpt: Yves Dupont, Catholic Prophecy p. 60:

¶53.1 May 13, 1820. “I saw also the relationship between the two popes … I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness … Then, the vision seemed to extend on every side. Whole Catholic communities were being oppressed, harassed, confined, and deprived of their freedom. I saw many churches close down, great miseries everywhere, wars and bloodshed. A wild and ignorant mob took to violent action. But it did not last long.

¶53.2 “Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging it. But I saw also that help was coming when distress had reached its peak. I saw again the Blessed Virgin ascend on the Church and spread her mantle [over it]. I saw a Pope who was at once gentle, and very firm … I saw a great renewal, and the Church rose high in the sky.”

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