CS Lewis keeps calling the joy of the ressurection 'infinite joy'.
Since he is referring to the resurrection and mostly likely is pairing that term with salvation we would have 'infinite joy'. Because all will be resurrected Good or Evil
John 5:29 - And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Job 19:26 - And though after my skin worms destroy this abody, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
Resurrection is a inseparable union between the spirit and the body forever. Thus CS Lewis understanding realized that if a person attains salvation and is resurrected he will have 'Joy' because he is in the presence of God and he will be 'infinite' because he is immortal and cannot die.
Yes, the Bible says:
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,
βNo eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him.β
1 Corinthians 2:9, quoting Isaiah 64:4.
So we don't know if it will be infinite (whatever that would mean in this context) but we do know that it is way beyond what anyone has even considered.
To put it another way: I don't think there will be any complaints.
The word "infinite" is difficult in this context. This is because it can have several meanings:
Graphically we might represent the first:
<----------------------- Time ----------------------->
This is clearly impossible, for there will be a point when we are in heaven but were not in heaven before.
The second might be this
| Joy
| Time
But this is also impossible because we are finite beings. We cannot reach the infinite point.
On the other hand, there is "infinite" in the sense that it will be inexhaustible:
* (perpetual growth in time and joy)
In that sense it is not only possible, but it is something which I think is directly conveyed by, for example, Lewis's description of heaven in The Last Battle (further up, further in). And, if you're wondering, this is a concept that I've found in the writings of the Saints (John of the Cross comes to mind, but I seem to recall reading a couple of treatises on love which relate a similar idea).