Complete Debates?


Such a work would be too large for any one resource.

You may want to look at:

  • Theopedia (a Wikipedia like reference)

  • The Cathechism of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and canon law (all of which do a good job of pointing out controversies, says the Protestant)

  • the Ante and Post-Nicene Fathers by Phillip Schaff. (the Patristics were often writing against heresies of one form or another)

  • In general, a good systematic theology book (JI Packer has a good concise tome) will also point out the things that a Christian "should" believe.

I've found it's a lot easier to concentrate on knowing my bible well, know enough about Trinitarian orthodoxy and good Christology, and then just apply it to what I am bring presented with. Heresies are like and endless supply of orcs. There are always enough and battling each one tires you out too much to concentrate on the big bad. Instead, simply "be prepared to give an answer for your faith at all times," and "insofar as possible, live peaceably with all men. ". "Do not concern yourself with genealogies and disputations," but rather "put on the full armor of Christ that you can withstand the evil one. "

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