How do Christian Scientists respond to the "poison that nobody knows is poisonous" argument?


All across planet earth, there are numerous hospitals and clinics run by Christian institutions, that treat physical illness. Seldom do they state that every illness is a mental phenomenon or has a root somewhere in the mind of the patient. For that matter, persons who are mentally challenged to the extremity, also fall prey to physical illness. As for Jesus, he acknowledged the physical basis of illness and deformities, and endorsed the consultation with doctors. He himself prepared medicines , for instance, in the case of the blind man for whom he spat on the ground and prepared a mud-saliva mixture , which according to ancient beliefs, had medicinal properties. He had pity on the paralyzed man who had not been able to bathe in the pond stirred by the angel. The writers of Gospels were careful in naming the diseases vis- a-vis cases of possession, that Jesus healed. One therefore, fails to understand if Christian scientists claim that diseases are caused not by physical abnormality, but by mental error.

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