Apologetic on suffering using a reference to Jesus


I won't answer the philosophical side of this question. Faith or the lack of it rarely rests on pure intellectual reasoning. (Just about every single atheist I know of, when talking about their "conversion" to atheism, has given a testimony about personal experiences, not about a pure intellectual endeavor.)

This question usually burns, because suffering has affected our whole being, not just our logic reasoning capacity.

In the end faith in God is a gift from God. When faced with evil and suffering, the most important thing is that God always brings hope into the equation. Without hope, suffering becomes unbearable.

In fact, I think faith in God can help a person to register the pain in ways that otherwise had not been possible. Gods empowerment might not mean that pain goes away, but that we are given courage to face it, thus in a strange way initially making it worse!


Let me offer you the 5 second answer:

God makes suffering and death holy by suffering and dying Himself.

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