How many times Jesus was montioned in both of Holy Bible and Holy Quran?


The number of times Jesus is mentioned in the Bible varies by translation. In the King James Version, it appears 983 times, while in the New International Version, it is mentioned 1273 times. Numbers for other words and other translations here.


I'm glad you are asking this question as I enjoy inter-religious dialogue. If you are asking how many times his name is referenced, I think your count from the Qur'an may be incorrect since Jesus (Isa, ibn Maryam) is said to be used 39 times in the Qur'an here.

Alternatively, for the Bible it depends on your translation and method of interpretation. For example: Bible prophecy in the Old Testament (Jewish Bible) are considered references to Jesus by many New Testament Scholars (Injil etc.). Hosea 11:1

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. (NIV)

Is cited by St. Matthew in Matthew 2:15 as being ultimately about Jesus. You also must take into account different titles which refer to Jesus like Messiah or Christ. This is similar to Prophet Muhammad being called simply the Messenger of Allah, rather than being referenced by name.

In the New Testament, a largely ecumenical translation (NRSV) uses the name Jesus 999 times. Christ is used 468 times, and Messiah 66 times. Some of these uses may be redundant where people say his name and title together as in "Jesus Christ" but it certainly rises above 1,000 references contra the 39 in the Qur'an.

Finally, a common name Jesus used in reference to himself was "Son of Man" which he used 82 times just in the Injil.


In order to avoid arguments about corrupted versions and exactly what consistutues a mention of Jesus, let us cut straight to key point. You write:

I am afraid that the number of citations of Jesus in Holy Quran Greater than its citation in Holy Bible

That is unquestionably not true

Four books of the Bible (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are life stories of Jesus, and talk about virtually nothing else. They are called the "Gospels" and make up about 82400 words. That is more words than there are in the Quran.

Another 23 books of the Bible talk extensively about Jesus. They, together with the Gospels, make up what is called the "New Testament". They have a total of around 100,000 words.

The number of explicit mentions of Jesus in the Bible (not counting ones where one of his titles is used instead of his name) is about a thousand, more than twenty times the number in the Quran.

The amount of the Holy Bible talking about Jesus is much more than the entirety of the Quran. This is unsurprising. Jesus is the Central figure of the Christian scriptures and the Christian religion. "Christian" comes from "Christ", which is a title of Jesus.

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