Catholic position about non-truthfully conversion to islam


THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (pdf) is the doctrine summarizing the beliefs of the Catholic church. Its articles are listed below under their respective headings.

"The Freedom of Faith" (page 44)

To be human, man's response to God by faith must be free, and... therefore nobody is to be forced to embrace the faith against his will... Christ invited people to faith and conversion, but never coerced them. For he bore witness to the truth but refused to use force to impose it on those who spoke against it...

The Church's Relationship with the Muslims (page 223)

The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst who are the Muslims.

"The Family and Society" (page 551)

The political community has a duty to honor the family, to assist it, and ensure especially

-the freedom to establish a family, have children, and bring them up in keeping with the family's own morals and religious convictions,

-the protection of the stability of the marriage bond and the institution of the family,

the freedom to profess one's faith, to hand it on and raise one's children in it, with the necessary means and institutions

"The Christian Family" (Page 561)

Citizens are obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities** when they are contrary to the commands of the moral order. "We must obey God rather than men"** (Acts 5:29).

A priest receives holy orders, he is ordained, and he undergoes a rigorous educational process from the church in order to both teach and counsel those of the Catholic faith. Jones and Fatima could set an appointment with a priest and ask this same question, gaining a much more encompassing response because it would be personal and specific to their situation.


According to canon law on mixed marriages (i.e., marriages between a Catholic and non-Catholic),

1917 Can. 1060 … if there is a danger of perversion to the Catholic spouse and children, that marriage is forbidden even by divine law.

Also—regarding the children, the procreation and education of whom is the primary purpose of marriage—it is required that

1983 Can. 868 §1. … 2/ there must be a founded hope that the infant will be brought up in the Catholic religion…

Can that be said for a crypto-Catholic, pseudo-Muslim father living in an Islamic theocratic country? Wouldn't this be to tempt God?

The Church's laws on mixed marriages must be respected before attempting a clandestine marriage or a marriage under false pretenses.

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