Tower of Babel dispersion after the Table of Nations?


If they had already been dispersed in chapter 10, who was left to be dispersed in chapter 11?

The time frame covered in the table of nations in Chapter 10 of Genesis is quite wide as you would expect in a multi-generational listing. The dispersion event described in chapter 11 may represent simply a greater explanation of the dispersion.


Genesis Chapter 9 tells of God speaking to Noah about what happens after the flood. Chapter 10 Table of Nations is the lineage of Noah's sons that spread throughout the world after the flood.

In Chapter 9 God told Noah that his seed would be spread throughout the world. So after the flood the decedents of Noah (Table of Nations) spread throughout the world speaking one language.

In chapter 11 some of the people started building an idol (tower). So God dispersed those people (previously speaking on language) speaking many languages.

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