After resurrection, which one (if any) of the Mormon heavens will be here on earth?


Accepted answer

Your first question:

Is the Kingdom of God that is expected to rule the earth the same ("politically" speaking) as any (or all) of the 3 heavenly kingdoms (celestial, terrestrial, and telestial)?

In Mormonism (and even other faiths) the Kingdom of God/Heaven can mean different things in different contexts. Specifically the Kingdom of God on Earth can mean His Church as it is established now (speaking of the Restored Church in the LDS belief). This is an excerpt from the above linked page:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God on the earth but is at the present limited to an ecclesiastical kingdom. During the millennial era, the kingdom of God will be both political and ecclesiastical (see Dan. 7:18, 22, 27; Rev. 11:15; JST Rev. 12:1–3, 7 [Appendix]; D&C 65) and will have worldwide jurisdiction in political realms when the Lord has made “a full end of all nations” (D&C 87:6).

We also believe (I am LDS) that Christ will appear to all on the Earth (the Second Coming) and at that time many things will take place. I won't go into all the specifics but after this Second Coming, Christ will rule on Earth for a thousand years. This time is called the Millennium. At his coming all that were less valiant will be consumed in fire and those that remain will be worthy of either Celestial or Terrestrial glory - in other words the telestial will be consumed. This is also a Kingdom of God.

After the Millennium the Earth itself will receive Celestial Glory and only the Celestial will remain. This answers your second question, in that yes, we believe that the Celestial Kingdom will be here on earth. This is a continuation of the previous Kingdom of God. All of the Plan of Salvation for Mormons is to continue on to Eternal Progression and as they progress they continue forward in God's Kingdom.

It has not been revealed to us where the other kingdoms will be but they will also be on a physical world.


"According to Mormons the reward in heaven is attained after the resurrection in which the individual receives a physical (non-spirit) body. For this reason it would be reasonable that each of the heavens are on some planet-like body that supports biological life."

The conclusion is actually incorrect. A resurrected body does not have to reside within this physical realm. Jesus Christ has a resurrected body as also does the Father:

"22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." (D&C 130:22)

Neither the Father nor Jesus are required to live on an earth-type planet though they have immortal, yet physical, bodies. Just the same those in the Telestial and Terrestrial kingdoms will reside in the kingdom that is within the spirit world. It is neither doctrine nor believed that the Terrestrial and/or Telestial inhabitants will reside on a planet.

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