Did Pope Francis' consecration of Russia and Ukraine fulfill all the demands that Mary requested at Fatima in 1917?


Accepted answer

Based on Geremia's good answer:

  1. to unite "with all the bishops of the world"
  2. to make the consecration
  3. of Russia
  4. to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On the 13th of May 1930, Sister Lucia explains further the will of Heaven and adds 2 conditions:

  1. "a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary"
  2. "the promise that upon the ending of this persecution [the persecution of the Church by those following the errors of Russia] he will approve and recommend the practice of the reparatory devotion already described."

According to what has been said about Pope Francis' consecration. He

  1. "invited the bishops of the whole world" to 2. Consecrated 3. Russia 4. to the Immaculate Heart

What about the final 2 conditions?

The Consecration took place after a "penitential service". So far I do not see any words from Francis recommending the faithful to do reparation. He may or may not yet do this.

Two questions remain that I do not believe we are able to answer yet:

  1. To what degree must the Pope instruct the bishops to join him? Must he order them to do so under pain of excommunication, or is simply inviting them enough?

  2. What counts as an act of reparation? The words of the consecration prayer involve much deprecation on our part before the consecration itself is said. Was the "penitential service" sufficient for this?

One last point. It is important to note that the Sacred Heart is not mentioned at all in Pope Francis' consecration. Nevertheless we can surely say that, at the very least, this act followed Our Lady's message more than any other Pope's.


Fr. Albert, O.P., of the Fatima Center opined in his March 25, 2022, letter:

On this feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady Pope Francis, in union with the bishops all over the world, consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is true that this act of consecration was somewhat obscured by extraneous additions and a style that is redolent more of the world than the Catholic faith, but it seems, at least, that the essential words in the act responded to what Our Lady asked for at Fatima. For on June 13, 1929 she said to Sister Lucy :

The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.

Time will tell in what measure this consecration fulfilled Our Lady’s request, but we can certainly hope for many blessings as a result of it, for even if it did not comply perfectly with what Our Lady asked, it certainly went farther than the consecrations made by previous popes. Even those consecrations were followed by great blessings : the end of the Second World War and the fall of Communism (at least to some degree...) : so we can rightly hope that this one will bring down on the world many graces too and perhaps even the conversion of Russia which Our Lady promised.

On March 23, 2022, Fr. Albert addressed "How Our Lady's Consecration Challenges the Eastern Orthodox":

  • The schismatic Orthodox have valid episcopal Orders.
  • They deny the dogma of the Immaculate Conception as defined by Bl. Pope Pius IX in Ineffabilis Deus (1854).
  • Their participation in a consecration to the Immaculate Heart challenges them to accept Pius IX's dogmatic definition of her Immaculate Conception, that she never contracted any sin.

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