Why did Cardinal Cupich prohibit Traditional Latin Mass on First Sundays?


For one obvious reason. The Latin Church can only properly have one rite (the way they celebrate Mass). Since the Mass of Pope St. Paul VI, there have been two rites. Eventually there will only be one, hence the prohibition is working towards that end, as is the Pope's motu proprio.


Why did Cardinal Cupich prohibit Traditional Latin Mass on First Sundays?

The simple answer is "Obedience to the Pope".

Pope Francis issued a motu proprio in Traditionis Custodes, and this must be uphold or follow by all Bishops in the Catholic Church.

A Bishop ignoring this important guidelines, is not in harmony with the inspired wisdom of the Holy Spirit to Pope Francis, who is acting like Jesus Christ in following the Will of the Father, to foster unity in celebrating the Holy Eucharist.

Cardinal Cupich wisdom is great, and must be emulated by all bishops in the world. Why? If a Bishop wanted to know the number of schismatic priests in his diocese, then, Traditionis Custodes is a powerful instrument to expose or reveal the hearts of the priest under his watch. Also, the Bishop will also know the number of their followers.

We have to remember the prophecy of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, on the emergence of the counterfeit church that resembles the old Catholic Church but "emptied of divine content". How will this unfold? Very simple.

  1. A Priest celebrating the TLM without authorization from Rome and without Bishop permission is obviously illicit.

  2. Article #5, also used the term "priestly faculties is suspended". If the priestly faculty to celebrate the TLM is suspended, what will happen to the "bread & wine", will the Holy Spirit descend on the sacrifice tainted with disobedience? In the case of King Saul in 1Samuel15:22, a sacrifice offered in disobedience, is rejected by God, it means, the TLM offered in disobedience is "devoid of divine content", meaning the "bread & wine" was not sanctified. Or in the words of Cdl.Cupich it is an "Invalid consecration".

The most important question is, since Traditionis Custodes guidelines were clearly expounded and explained in answer to the Dubia. Since the guidelines is now more clearly explained. The simple but important question is,...

Will the known schismatic priest who intentionally celebrate the TLM without seeking permission to his Bishop and worst, do not have authorization from Rome...

Will the Holy Spirit descend on the "bread & wine" knowing the priestly faculties of the schismatic priest is suspended by the decree in Traditionis Custodes?

The biblical answer is NO - 1 Samuel 15:22. And this will make the TLM celebrated by schismatic priest not only illicit, but also "invalid" because the consecration was not confected. So, the TLM is like the offering of King Saul, beautiful on the outside but devoid of divine content, because the offering was not sanctified by the Holy Spirit.enter image description here


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Dcn. Andy: The Latin Church can only properly have one rite

If this is indeed the case (and I'm not arguing that it isn't, merely drawing attention to this statement's potential importance), then it would constitute yet another difference between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, inasmuch as the Eastern and Oriental churches usually have more than one official rite; speaking for the former, there are three main (types of) liturgies, continuously in use since the first millennium:

The Egyptian church commonly employs three Coptic liturgies, namely:

The Assyrian church also makes frequent use of three sacred qurbana in its three Nestorian liturgies, namely:

The Syrian church employs dozens of Syriac anaphoras, and over seventy belong to the Maronite church; a mixed list of liturgies belonging to both of these rites, about forty in number, being found here.

To make it crystal clear, (most of) these liturgies are universally employed within each of their respective denominations, depending on liturgical season; they are not local rites.


Why did Cardinal Cupich prohibit Traditional Latin Mass on First Sundays?

He simply chose the First Sunday of each month as well as the major feasts of Christmas, the Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday, as a way to test the obedience of TLM faithful.

There is nothing special about First Sundays according to Catholic tradition or piety. He simply chose these days in which to restrict the Mass of Pope St. Pius V.

Nowhere in Traditionis Custodes does it require that a local bishop restrict the TLM from being celebrated on certain days of the year. Thus Cardinal Cupich is simply making a personal statement on the issue at hand.

Chicago's new rules mirror those spelled out in an explanatory document regarding Pope Francis' edict published Dec. 18 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

The new policy also prohibits the celebration of Traditional Latin Masses on the first Sunday of every month, Christmas, the Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday.

“My intention in sharing this policy is to encourage you to reflect on the duty we each must assist our people in this moment of Eucharistic revival by rediscovering the value of the liturgical reform in the rites given to us by the Second Vatican Council,” Cardinal Cupich wrote in an accompanying letter to priests, Vatican News reported.

The Vatican's explanatory document states that the intent of Traditionis custodes is “to re-establish in the whole Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical prayer expressing its unity, according to the liturgical books promulgated by the Popes Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council and in line with the tradition of the Church.”

Cardinal Cupich Issues New Restrictions on Traditional Latin Masses

Some of Cardinal Cupich assumptions as well as those outlined in Traditionis custodes do not add up in my humble way of seeing things. Both agree to limit the Ancient Liturgy of Pope St. Pius V in order ”to re-establish in the whole Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical prayer expressing its unity.”

Historically, this makes no sense. The Roman Rite, even under Pope St. Pius V had several Roman Rites and Usages within the Latin Rite. There was unity in diversity and the Church was united. Cardinal Cupich is creating division and is willfully doing it.

Take away the most sacred feasts away from traditionalists and there is going to be a reaction very soon. Things are going to come to a breaking point at some time or other.

At present there are a total number of 23 Eastern Rite Catholic Traditions in use at the present moment. On January 19, 2015 Pope Francis established the Eritrean Catholic Church.

On July 7, 2007 Pope Benedict XVI issued his Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum in which he permitted the Mass of Pope St Pius V to be used in the Roman Catholic Rite. The Sovereign Pontiff also declared that there would be two forms of celebrating the Mass in the Roman Rite: The Ordinary Form of the Mass of Pope Blessed Paul VI (April 3,1969) and the Extraordinary Form of the Mass of Pope St Pius V (July 14 1570). Pope Benedict XVI went on to declare that the Mass of Pope Pius V had never been abrogated and could thus be lawfully used in the Church.

The Ordinary Form of the Mass has one form in usage, with at least two usages permitted within the Ordinary Form of Pope Paul VI. The Tridentine Rite or the Extraordinary Form is a little more complex to explain. This Rite had many "Rites" and "Usages" that were permitted up to the time of the Second Vatican Council. The difference between a rite and/or usage is not always clear in terms of terminology.

In the following list of Rites and Uses I am employing are of the most common ones which can be found in liturgical books of the day such as the Catholic Encyclopedia. Some rites or usages of the Roman Rite were Diocese restricted, while others were restricted to particular religious Orders and as such were not bound to geographical regions. This is not a complete list of former rites and/or usages.

The Ordinary Form

  • Mass of Pope Paul VI.............In use
  • Anglican Use...........................In use
  • Zaire Use..................................In use
  • Carthusian Use.......................In use

The Extraordinary Form

  • Mass of Pope Pius V...........................In use
  • Ambrosian Rite (Milan, Italy)..........Used on occasion
  • Mozarabic Rite (Spain)......................Used on occasion
  • Lyonese Rite (Lyon, France).............Used on occasion
  • Benevento Rite.....................................Defunct
  • Greek Rite.............................................No info.
  • Slavonic Rite.........................................No info.
  • Rite of Braga.........................................Permitted to be used
  • Usages of Paris (Rite of Versailles)..Suppressed
  • Rouen Usage.........................................No info.
  • Esztergom Use......................................Defunct
  • Nidaros Use (Norway)........................Defunct
  • Cologne Use..........................................No info.
  • Marseille Use.........................................No info
  • Slevig Use (Denmark).........................Defunct
  • Rosslyn Use...........................................No info.
  • Sarum Use..............................................Used on occasion
  • York Use.................................................No info.
  • Hereford Use.........................................No info
  • Lincoln Use............................................No info.
  • Durham Use...........................................Defunct
  • Bangor Use..............................................No info.
  • Carmelite Rite........................................No info.
  • Cistercian Rite........................................In use
  • Dominican Rite......................................In use
  • Norbertine Rite......................................No info.
  • Franciscan Rite.......................................No info (Same as the Tridentine mass)
  • Friars Minor Capuchin Rite.................No info.
  • Servite Rite...............................................No info.
  • Benedictine Rite......................................In use
  • Carthusian Rite.......................................Permitted to be used

Traditionalists should not be forced to abandon their liturgies on the most sacred of Feast days and then again on some other random Sundays. Where is the supernatural charity in all that. All in the name of having just one Rite within the Roman Rite. I guess there is no longer unity with diversity.

It is all humbug I say! - Ebenezer Scrooge

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