Why do Seventh Day Adventists change the moral law using the ceremonial law?


  1. Adventists do not divide the law of Moses into moral and ceremonial. Rather, they (like all of us) share the state and ceremonial interests of the Israeli people, and the moral principles from God, not Moses that are binding on all people in General.

  2. It is logical that morality does not change. There must be a standard of decency. In my opinion, the ten commandments is not the worst option for this.

  3. It is important to understand to whom Moses spoke about religious and other organizational laws. Former slave. To the unorganized herd which for 40 years found religion, and signs of statehood. It's beautiful. But it doesn't have much to do with me today. If you really want, is nowhere explicitly forbidden to continue to offer sacrifices to God as did the Jews. It just doesn't make much sense. Today, I have nothing to do with the Jews of the old Testament. But I still think not killing or stealing is pretty good stuff. That makes sense, doesn't it? Saturday is not bad. in General, rest after 6 days of work is great. this is what the commandment says. This is not the greatest commandment. This is probably the most ignored commandment. With the rest 9(until that) argue less.

Saturday is celebrated in the evening for the following reason. In Genesis, in the name of God, it is said that there was evening and Morning, Day 1, etc., That is, the day begins with evening. What is the starting point of a new day? Today you can do it with chronometers. Previously, this was done by focusing on the sun.

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