According to Catholicism, is divine chastisement due especially to the sins of priests?


Accepted answer

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II-II q. 186 a. 10 co.:

if he [a religious*] sin out of contempt [his sin is worse than a layman's], because thereby he would seem to be the more ungrateful for the divine favors which have raised him to the state of perfection [or priesthood]. Thus the Apostle says (Heb. 10:29) that the believer "deserveth worse punishments" who through contempt tramples under foot the Son of God. Hence the Lord complains (Jer. 11:15): "What is the meaning that My beloved hath wrought much wickedness in My house?"

*can be equally applied to a priest

Yes, according to the Servant of God madre Mariana de Jesus Torres of Our Lady of Good Success:

Know, moreover, that Divine Justice releases terrible chastis*m*nts on entire nations not only for the sins of the people, but especially for those of priests and religious persons. For the latter are called by the perfection of their state to be the salt of the earth, the masters of truth, and the shields to hold back Divine Ire.

Straying from their sublime mission, they degrade themselves in such a way that before the eyes of God, they increase the rigor of the punishments. When they detach themselves from Me, they end up living a superficial life of soul, maintaining a distance from Me unworthy of My ministers. By their frigidity and lack of confidence, they act as if I were a stranger to them.

β€”Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira, The Admirable Life of Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres vol. 2, p. 280

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