Praying BOLDLY: Praying for personal achievement vs. praying for selfless achievement


Accepted answer

God is concerned in the big and the small. If you take a look at the book of Proverbs, for example, you'll see that many of the bits of wisdom there aren't big life-changing issues but small, tactical day-to-day advice on dealing with people and situations. Since God is concerned on that level, praying on that level is appropriate. As Jesus said, God is concerned even with the birds, and your most minor school issues are more important than that. To say that the small matters don't matter actually betrays a distorted biblical worldview. God created the world and all that is in it. God is concerned that you get a job, that you work, that you be successful, that you find a spouse...or whatever he actually has planned for you.

However, that can be taken too far. I remember someone at college praying about if they should go eat mexican food one day. This isn't a bad idea because it is small but because it is irrelevant. There is nothing moral or immoral about mexican food (though I do consider fajitas of divine origin).

That being said, if you only live on the level of the small, then your vision may be too narrow. There is a truth in what you mention. Pray for a bigger goal in life. Pray that God will give you something bigger to focus on. And then pray about that too. But in looking for the big, you can't avoid the small. If you fail in your work, with girls, with school or with your parents then you will probably fail with the big.

My two cents.

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