Under what circumstances may female Jehovah's Witnesses teach doctrine to men in an evangelistic setting?


Accepted answer

There is no issue with a female Jehovah’s Witness evangelizing to a male.

Within the congregation women do not generally teach from the stage. Exceptions would be in isolated groups where a man is not available. When this becomes necessary a sister wears a head covering. Head covering protocols are explained

Your baptism would not effect this since head covering protocols relate to baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses and within a family where the wife is taking on a role that is usually the responsibility of the head of the household (husband).

Since you have not been baptized as a JW nor are you married to her this would not be an issue.

As for your anecdotal observation this is a matter of propriety and safety.

When a sister comes upon a man who expresses interest in learning more about Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs she will engage in a discussion with him. If this occurs at the mans home and she is invited into the home a sister will use good judgement to avoid putting herself in danger or giving an appearance of impropriety.

She would not enter the mans home if it would mean she and he would be alone in the house.
A brother would exercise the same good judgement if invited in by a female. Most of the time we don’t go to doors alone and that goes a long way toward preventing this from becoming a problem.

If a sister determines that the man is genuinely interested in learning more she will arrange to return with a brother on the next visit if possible. If not possible two sisters may return and the evangelizing session could resume.

Generally when a sister finds a man who wishes to learn more she will turn this over to a brother for future visits, not because there is a problem with a female JW evangelizing or teaching a man who may be baptized into a different denomination but for the avoidance of any impropriety or appearance there of.


The simple guide it this: no JW female may teach a JW male; but all male and female JWs are expected to engage in evangelistic outreach to non-JWs, irrespective of gender.

This is demonstrated by comparing the activity that goes on in Kingdom Halls, and outside of there (for evangelistic activity). All teaching is done by accredited JW men. Only they pray. Only they hold such offices such as that of elders. The women may offer to give answers to questions asked by men from the platform, but those answers must be from printed Watchtower Society literature, without deviating into their own personal views. The women may give demonstrations from the platform as to how to engage in evangelistic activity, but only with another female. None of the women need to wear head-coverings, however.

Contrast that with evangelistic activity. The women usually provide at least half of all JW evangelistic activity, where attempts are made to get non-JWs interested in studying their literature with them. This is done outside of the Kingdom Hall. Women may speak to men and women, sharing JW teaching from their literature. But if a man wants a book-study, then a JW male should take that. Even if the JW man takes it with, say, his wife also attending, she is not allowed to lead, or to pray. The JW man must lead the lesson. If a woman wants a JW book-study, women can take that and lead it. But if a JW man also attends, he must take the lead and the JW woman must be sure never to say anything that could be taken as instruction of the JW man.

A good example is in JW letter-writing, since the Covid lock-downs interfered with their door-knocking word. Letters sent out could be read by both males and females. But there's no problem, because the women simply point whoever reads it to the official JW web-site, and to JW literature. When they copy existing statements already produced by the Watchtower Society, this is not so much viewed as 'teaching' as directing people to the Society, to be taught by it. However, if a man developed a correspondence as a result, a JW man would be required to respond in writing.

There's certainly need for JW women to be really careful in contacts with strangers, especially men, so nobody should be surprised at that. And as no JW woman is allowed to teach a JW man, there are restrictions on that at the Kingdom Hall. However, when it comes to the wide, open world of evangelising, women are free to speak equally to men and women and to teach doctrine to women, but JW men must take over when a man becomes a student.

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