On interpreting St. Thomas' thoughts in the Summa Theologiae?


Accepted answer

Yes, that on the contrary may be said to be from Aquinas. Note that the "on the contrary" more often is a direct citation of some authority with some addendum from Aquinas. In that case, the authority should be cited not as Aquinas' words but as quoted by Aquinas.

On the contrary, Gregory says (Moral. ii, 26) that "the gift of wisdom is given as a remedy against folly." -- Summa IIa IIae, Q46 A1

This might be quoted as "Aquinas, citing Gregory asserts that wisdom is opposed to folly" or "Aquinas quotes Gregory the Great saying 'the gift of wisdom is given as a remedy against folly'"

is it safe to assume that the terms "Spiritual Alms" and the more current, "Spiritual Works of Mercy", are synonymous?

Yes. For as Aquinas says in the same part of the Summa:

"almsgiving is a work of mercy"

In Aquinas' schema, almsdeeds is an external act of charity whereas mercy is an internal. The terminology you are familiar with simply associates almsdeeds directly with mercy rather than indirectly.

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