Is there a contradiction between the intent of St. Paul in 1 Cor 10: 27-29 vis-a-vis that in verses 29-30?


It may help you answer your question to read the pericope in its entirety (1 Cor 10:23-33), and the footnotes appended by NET Bible to it.

Paul is laboriously (even clumsily) saying that people shouldn't have "questions of conscience" and shouldn't inquire of their own accord whether the meat that is put on the table is from animals sacrificed to pagan "gods". But if one of the people eating at that table says, β€œThis is from a sacrifice”, then, even if one knows that "an idol is nothing" (1 Cor 8:4), he should abstain, so as not to put in difficulty people with a weak conscience (1 Cor 8:7-13; 9:22).

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