How did the Holy Spirit come into existence?


Accepted answer

According to mainstream Christianity, the Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity - loosely speaking a part of God. Therefore he was not created. He is eternal, without beginning and without end. This is best (though not necessarily most understandably) summed up in the Athenasian Creed:

Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated.

Something around 98% of Christians adhere to this view.

For those that do not believe in the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is usually considered to be an 'impersonal force', or the action of God, or simply another way of referring to God (as opposed to a separate person). In these cases there is also no question of "who created the Holy Spirit". He has always existed.


In most languages other than English the word for Spirit and the word for breath are the same word. The creation story tells us the earth was without form and the "spirit," or "breath" of God hovered above the waters or abyss. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus was the "word of God that was with God and was God." When God spoke creation into being the word spoken was Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the breath that makes the word active creating cosmos from chaos. The Holy Spirit is present and observable because it is the fundamental aspect of God (the Trinity) that transforms matter (God's creation) to be what God intends it to be. The Spirit, breath or wind of God is actually God breathing life into his creation.


According to the theory of the trinity, the holy spirit was never created as the theory holds that the holy spirit is god just as the father is god and the son is god. Since the trinity theory promotes that the father and the son are from eternity, so then is the holy spirit also uncreated.

According to scripture, the Holy Spirit is uncreated as the Holy Spirit is the operational presence and power of Yahuweh (God), but is not a seperate person from Yahuweh (God) Himself. Though not being a seperate person, the Holy Spirit is still "personal" just not a "person".

2 Corinthians 3:17 The Scriptures 1998+ (17) Now יהוה is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of יהוה is, there is freedom.

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