About the intercessions of Saints to God, on one's behalf?


About the intercessions of Saints to God, on one's behalf?

Now if you ask for help or a miracle from a saint through a prayer, and if you at some point get it, then the help/miracle was done by God though a saint´s intercession!

That is basically saying it in a nutshell.

I can ask a friend to pray for me, but I can also ask my spiritual friends in Heaven also to pray for me. In the end it is God who works the miracles!

According to Catholicism, saints are individuals who are in heaven with God and are enjoying the Beatific Vision. Though many more people are in heaven and technically saints, those deemed official saints of the Church are ones that the Catholic Church knows are in heaven. As such, people can pray to these saints, who sometimes intercede on our behalf with God.

But determining who is in heaven is a tricky proposition. That's where miracles come in. According to the church, miracles are divine events that “have no natural or scientific explanation”, and serve as proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede with God to change the ordinary course of events.

Only God can make miracles. Saints can ask the Sacred Trinity to produce a miracle on the behalf of someone on earth though their intercession. This is all part of the communion of saints (Church Militant, Suffering and Triumphant).

The Catholic Church uses a formal process to determine who is a saint. First, that person's life is thoroughly investigated. If deemed virtuous enough, the person is said to be a servant of God. If they've exhibited heroic levels of virtue in their life, they are considered venerable. To become saints, however, they need to have “performed” two miracles after death. Some saints are known to perform many miracles, while others “perform” only enough to get canonized. There is generally no reason for this other than a particular saints popularity.

In reality it is not the saints who ”perform” such miracles. Only God can perform genuine miracles, on behalf both the recipient and the saint involved.

Toward that end, a Vatican-appointed Miracle Commission sifts through hundreds or even thousands of miraculous claims. Typically, the commissions are composed of theologians and scientific experts.

Nearly all, or 99.9% of these are medical miracles, and they need to be spontaneous, instantaneous and complete healing.

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